Books & Print Media Products
Sullivan, A. & Strawhacker A. (2025). Playful STEAM Learning in the Early Years: An Educator's Guide to Screen-Free Explorations. Teachers College Press.
Sullivan, A. (2019). Breaking the STEM Stereotype: Reaching Girls in Early Childhood. Rowman & Littlefield.
Bers, M.U. & Sullivan, A. (2018). ScratchJr Coding Cards. No Starch Press.
Invited Book Chapters
Sullivan, A. (2021). Supporting girls' computational thinking skillsets: Why early exposure is critical to success. In Teaching Computational Thinking and Coding to Young Children (pp. 216-235). IGI Global.
Strawhacker, A. & Sullivan, A. (2021). Computational expression: How performance arts support computational thinking in young children. In Teaching Computational Thinking and Coding to Young Children (pp. 134-156). IGI Global.
Sullivan, A., & Strawhacker, A. (2021). Screen-Free STEAM: Low-Cost and Hands-on Approaches to Teaching Coding and Engineering to Young Children. In Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and Care (pp. 87-113). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Elkin, M., Sullivan, A., & Bers, M. U. (2018). Books, Butterflies, and ‘Bots: Integrating Engineering and Robotics into Early Childhood Curricula. Early Engineering Learning (pp. 225-248). Springer, Singapore
Sullivan, A., Strawhacker, A., & Bers, M.U. (2017). Dancing, drawing, and dramatic robots: Integrating
robotics and the arts to teach foundational STEAM concepts to young children. In Khine, M.S. (Eds.) Robotics in STEM Education: Redesigning the Learning Experience. Springer Publishing.
Sullivan, A. & Bers, M.U. (2017). Computational Thinking and Young Children: Understanding the Potential of Tangible and Graphical Interfaces. In Ozcinar, H., Wong, G., & Ozturk, T. (Eds.) Teaching Computational Thinking in Primary Education. IGI Global.
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
Bers, M. U. & Sullivan, A. (2019). Computer science education in early childhood: The case of ScratchJr. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 18, 113-138
Sullivan, A. & Bers, M.U. (2019). VEX Robotics Competitions: Gender differences in student attitudes and experiences. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 18, 97-112.
Sullivan, A. & Bers, M.U. (2018). Investigating the use of robotics to increase girls' interest in engineering during early elementary school. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
Sullivan, A & Bers, M.U. (2018). The impact of teacher gender on girls’ performance on programming tasks in early elementary school. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice.
Bers, M. U., Verish, C., Sullivan, A., & Shaer, O. (2018). Enhancing Children’s Interest and Knowledge in Bioengineering through an Interactive Videogame. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 17, 055-081.
Sullivan, A., & Bers, M.U. (2017). Dancing robots: Integrating art, music, and robotics in
Singapore's early childhood centers. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. Online First.
Pugnali, A., Sullivan, A., & Bers, M.U. (2017) The Impact of User Interface on Young
Children’s Computational Thinking. Journal of Information Technology Education:Innovations in Practice, 16, 172-193.
Sullivan, A. & Bers, M.U. (2016). Girls, Boys, and Bots: Gender Differences in Young Children's Performance on Robotics and Programming Tasks. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 15, 145-165.
Elkin, M., Sullivan, A., & Bers, M.U. (2016). Programming with the KIBO Robotics Kit in Preschool Classrooms. Computers in the Schools, 33 (3), 169-186.
Sullivan, A., & Bers, M.U. (2015). Robotics in the early childhood classroom: Learning outcomes from an eight-week robotics curriculum in pre-kindergarten through second grade. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. Online First.
Elkin, M., Sullivan, A., & Bers, M. U. (2014). Implementing a robotics curriculum in an early childhood Montessori classroom. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 13, 153-169.
Kazakoff, E., Sullivan, A., & Bers, M.U. (2013). The effect of a classroom-based intensive robotics and programming workshop on sequencing ability in early childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(4), 245-255.
Bers, M.U., Seddighin, S., & Sullivan, A. (2013). Ready for robotics: Bringing together the T and E of STEM in early childhood teacher education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 21(3), 355-377.
Sullivan, A., & Bers, M. U. (2013). Gender differences in kindergarteners' robotics and programming achievement. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 23(3), 691-702.
Sullivan, A., Kazakoff, E.R., & Bers, M.U. (2013). The wheels on the bot go round and round: Robotics curriculum in pre-kindergarten. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 12, 203-219.
Publications in Conference Proceedings
Loparev, A., Sullivan, A., Verish, C., Westendorf, L., Davis, J., Flemings, M., Bers, M.U., &
Shaer, O. (In press, 2017). BacToMars: A Collaborative Educational Video Game for Teaching Biological Engineering. In Proceedings of Foundations of Digital Interactive Games (FDG) 2017. Extended abstract, poster.
Sullivan, A., Bers, M.U., Mihm, C. (2017). Imagining, Playing, & Coding with KIBO: Using KIBO Robotics to Foster Computational Thinking in Young Children. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education, 2017. Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Loparev, A., Sullivan, A., Verish, C., Westendorf, L., Davis, J., Flemings, M., Bers, M.U., &
Shaer, O. (2017). BacToMars: Creative Engagement with Bio-Design for Children. In the proceedings of the ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC) 2017. Stanford, CA, USA
Strawhacker, A., Sullivan, A., & Portsmore, M. (2016). Billund builds music: An engineering education initiative in danish kindergartens. Published in the Proceedings of the Integrated STEM Education Conference. Princeton, NJ, USA.
Sullivan, A., Elkin, M., & Bers, M. U. (2015). KIBO Robot Demo: Engaging young children in programming and engineering. Published in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC '15). ACM, Boston, MA, USA.
Strawhacker, A., Sullivan, A., & Bers, M.U. (2013). TUI, GUI, HUI: Is a bimodal interface
truly worth the sum of its parts? Published in the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. June 24-27, 2013. New York, NY, USA.
Blogs & Fun Stuff
Sullivan, A. (2024). Using Play to Spark Girls' Interest and Confidence in STEM.
Sullivan, A. (2022). 5 Ways to Counter STEM Stereotypes in Children and Youth.
Sullivan, A. (2021). All Aboard the Coding Express! Product Review.
​Sullivan, A. (2020). Pregnant During the Pandemic: 7 Tips for Moms-To-Be. Imperfectly Perfect Mama.
Sullivan, A. (2020). STEM Tools, Games, and Products to Engage Girls in Pre-K through Early Elementary School. Technological Horizons in Education (THE).
Sullivan, A. (2019). Supporting Girls' STEM Confidence & Competence: 7 Tips for Early Childhood Educators. EdTech Review.
Sullivan, A. (2018). Lessons Learned from ECT: Best Practices Teaching with Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom. EdTech Review.
Sullivan, A. (2017). Breaking Gender Stereotypes Through Early Exposure to Robotics. Education Week: Education Futures: Emerging Trends in K-12.
Sullivan, A. (2017). Early Childhood Educators Gain Confidence Teaching Coding and Computational Thinking. Teacher Community.